Sunday, September 13, 2009

~Be Ye Therefore Perfect~

"Be Ye Therefore Perfect"

James 1:4, Matt 5:48, 3 Nephi 12:48

"If the. . . passage I have quoted is not worded to our understanding, we can alter the phraseology of the sentence, and say: "Be ye perfect as ye can," for that is all we can do. When we are doing as well as we know how in the sphere and station which we occupy here, we are justified in the justice, righteousness, mercy, and judgement that go before the Lord of heaven and earth. We are justified as the angels who go before the throne of God. The sin that will cleave to the posterity of Adam and Eve is that they have not done as well as they know how." Brigham Young, JD, 21:129

Just a thought for our wonderful Sabbath day.

1 comment:

Mrs. B. Roth said...

Husband and I were JUST discussing this scripture. If you read the JST note at the bottom of Matt 5, it's a commandment to be perfect, too. Right before this commandment, he's talking about loving everyone ... I think that's the key to perfection: Love.


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