Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Decorating Dilemma's

I am at a complete loss. I want pictures and decorations up, but I just don't know what to do. I don't even know where to go for ideas. I have these fantastically large beautiful walls in my apartment that I stare at not knowing what to do.

Any Ideas?


Em said...

Can you paint? I recently painted a mural type thing in Paxton's room...If not you could try one of the vinyl decals that peel off when you are ready to move! I just got this one to put up in Baby B's room...


I'll post pictures when I get it put up, I did a brown branch and white flowers.

Alicia Bunderson said...

square pictures on canvas in BW always looks good! and also some vinyl sayings maybe...

Anonymous said...

Vinyl for sure. I'm still madly in love with vinyl. I've been considering trying to paint something to hang in my house. I've never ever ever painted before so it should be interesting and most likely awful. But you never know til you try, right.

JJ said...

Go to Ikea. they have fabulous art work and its not expensive. You could also try framing pieces of fabric or scrap booking paper to make things interesting.


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