Friday, February 26, 2010

It's Lent again!

It's that time again. I posted last year about the meaning of lent and what I was going to give up. I don't think I did very well last year with my quest. I just didn't spend as much time as I wanted to finding what was placing space between me and God.

This year I think I have found the gulf. Too bad it's CHURCH. It's mostly my feelings towards local leaders and the things they do and say. So, I will be giving up something a little different this year. Since I shouldn't really give up church completely, (because I do want to renew my covenants with God, and realistically I won't be going for a while since I have a brand new baby and don't want to expose her to the sicknesses confined in closed areas with lots of people) I thought I would work on being completely honest with the leadership in my ward.

Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy RIGHT?


-be myself at church
-answer questions directed to me honestly and fully.
-participate in the activities and meetings that I want to
-read my scriptures more often (I might as well since I have baby sleep time, right?)
-work on my communication with GOD

I am going to do my best to do weekly progress reports (I am ashamed to say I sound like a missionary) for you to keep tabs on me. We will see how this year goes.

What are you working on this LENT?


Swamp Boy said...

That's my girl. I dig it. I need to come up with something, too.

Jillian Preston Phippen said...

I'm giving up church, too! Oh, wait. I'm going to give up my 2 year old for lent. All 46 DAYS of it. What, I can't DO that?! He comes will all of his accessories! Freakin' tyrant.

Mrs. B. Roth said...

I don't care what they think, I love that you went right out and said CHURCH is placing space between you and God, because I feel that way so often. Sometimes church will be fine. Other times, I think if Sister So-and-so who calls me every month for my VT report gives me that condescending look, I'm gonna walk out.

If I am more myself at church, I'll be more awkward dork ... I think I'll try being more Sheri Dew.

Yeah ... I get confused. I used to think church was to help me feel closer to God. Then, I thought it was an opportunity to serve ... now ... now I think there are much better ways to use my time on Sunday ... (I'll work on prayer too).

I have to tell you, I love your blog .. for better or for worse, it always makes me feel a little less alone in my spiritual concerns.

Love ya!


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