Friday, October 7, 2011

Cleared To Do The Fun Stuff!

I never thought that I would say it, but

"I get to do housework again!!"

Yesterday, I was cleared to exercise, lift my little ones, and DO HOUSEWORK. I am definitely not one that likes to do housework. (I don't know many who do) But when I haven't been able to do anything and I have had to watch my house dissolve under filth, I am ready to embark on my Fall Deep Cleaning. Now my Hubby was helping out, but it's just not as thorough as when I do it. Or as quick. (you can probably relate, right?)

So far I have had a wonderful time hugging and carrying my Sweet Pea, I got to do Winsor Pilates AND Walk Away the Pounds-2 Miles, and I vacuumed the whole house. It feels fantastic to be moving again. No more couch potatoe!


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