Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Two Questions:

#1: When did you start skipping one of your kids naps?

My little Sweet Pea hasn't been so sweet lately. She is a fighter. She does NOT want to go down for her naps at all. She screams and yells, kicks and flails, and sometimes is all ends in her throwing up all over the place. So frustrating. Do I skip the morning nap at 10 months? Or do I continue to fight with her? When did your kids start skipping naps?

#2: What do you do for your younger kids in the car on long trips?

We are taking the 11 hour jaunt to Californ-i-a this Christmas and I need a few ideas for keeping a 10 month old busy. Now that she isn't so much of a sleeper I don't know what to do with her. Help.


JJ said...

If she fights that much over putting her down, let her stay up and she will be more tired at her afternoon nap. I hope.

I would bring books she has never seen. Toys that make noise to keep her attention, crackers, food, diapers. A portable movie player. try and keep the same schedule as you have her on usually, it will be less crazy for her and she will be less cranky.

kimmrs said...

Guess it's time to forego the morning nap. Hopefully she'll sleep in the afternoon. Good luck! Give her a kiss from me! Love you guys.

Alicia said...

My daughter was done with her morning naps at 10 months. Actually, she wouldn't go down for her afternoon naps and would take a morning nap around 11. My boys I made them give up their morning naps at 12 months because it was just easier with multiple kids and just doing one nap.

Road trips are so hard, even with older kids. New variety is always the key.

the fellers said...

I say do not skip that morning nap for a few more months, she at least needs to learn to have a quiet time, I think she is too young, but that is my opinion, and I am late posting this, because you posted this post about 3 weeks ago, so who knows what you decided, but if she isnt going to sleep, fine, just put her in her crib with a few toys or books and let her have some quiet time. My son did that too, and someone gave me that advice, after a few days of that quiet time, he went back to napping....


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